Annual Report 2021-22
Rent and value for money
With the cost of living increasing, we know how important our customers’ money is and we aim to make sure that everyone who lives in an FCHO home gets the very best value from their rent. Every pound we receive is important to helping us deliver excellent landlord services and create thriving communities and we’re committed to making sure it goes as far as possible, whether that’s providing services, getting extra value out of our contracts or making improvements to homes and neighbourhoods.
of rent collected
How every £1 of rent is spent
Getting extra value from what we spend
We want to make a positive and lasting impact in our communities and look for ways to get more out of what we do. Here’s what we achieved this year.
spent with Greater Manchester businesses
of total spend spent with Greater Manchester businesses
weeks delivered by apprentices directly employed by FCHO
hours volunteered by FCHO colleagues
FCHO colleagues volunteered during this year
apprentices worked on our new developments’
homes let to people who were previously homeless
Value for money
We are committed to achieving value for money for our customers and other stakeholders who benefit from our services and every year we publish our annual accounts which show how we are spending our money and if we are achieving value for money.
We are a financially strong organisation and delivering value for money isn’t just about reducing our costs. It is about spending our money wisely to maximise our resources and help deliver the priorities set out in our Strategic Delivery Plan 2020-22.
View our full financial statements for 2021-22