By 2026 we will...
- Develop a stronger understanding of current and future customer and community needs by retaining customer involvement at the core of our operations. We will strengthen connection between customer influence and decision making.
- Support customers to optimise their financial standing, helping them to maximise their income and opportunities for employment, while promoting and supporting independent living.
- Allocate resources using customer insight and utilise customer-mapping to influence through targeted communications.
- Drive digital accessibility and user-friendly experiences by providing a wide range of self-service options for customers, advancing digital transformation, and ensuring systems are designed with user experience and efficiency in mind.
- Take action to ensure fair access to services and equitable outcomes for customers, providing staff with comprehensive training to recognise and respond to the diverse needs of customers in line with the Equality Act 2010.
How will we know we’ve achieved this?
By 2026 we will have…
82% of customers will be satisfied with overall service from FCHO
72% of customers will be satisfied that FCHO listens to tenant views and acts on them
87% of repairs will be completed on time