By 2026 we will...
- Deliver our Development Strategy and develop high quality, affordable homes that meet local need.
- Deliver our plans to improve the energy efficiency of our existing homes to achieve a minimum of EPC level C and to progress our Net Zero aspirations.
- Ensure that our homes meet all the statutory, legal, and regulatory property safety requirements.
- Continually assess our homes to ensure that they meet the FCHO Standard and are sustainable in the long-term.
- Maximise the performance of our assets to support investment in new and existing homes.
How will we know we’ve achieved this?
By 2026 we will have…
332 new homes built
100% of homes will meet the Decent Homes standard
100% of homes will comply with Building Safety Standards
83% of customers will be satisfied their home is safe
78% of customers will be satisfied their home is well maintained