By 2026 we will...
- Embed our values and behaviours through our People Strategy, and our Behavioural Framework will be a key consideration in all our decision making.
- Be an employer of choice, creating an environment that attracts and retains talent.
- Develop and embed a stakeholder engagement strategy as we seek to develop mutually beneficial relationships with key partners.
- Maintain the highest levels of governance, maintaining our G1 rating with the Regulator of Social Housing.
- Be financially strong and stable, operating within our Board-approved financial golden rules, supported by a robust risk management framework that promotes a strong risk-management culture throughout the organisation.
- Communicate organisational priorities to customers and stakeholders, developing and maintaining a positive reputation in the areas where we operate.
- Set clear expectations and standards in relation to knowledge and information management and develop a culture where staff have clarity about their roles and responsibilities (both individual and collective) and the expectations of the organisation.
- Develop a standard for organisational record keeping that supports the business and is compliant with national standards.
- Review existing systems/databases for capability and capacity to record key data requirements. Ensuring data can be easily extracted and used for insight purposes.
- Foster a culture that embraces diversity and inclusion, strengthening equality, diversity and inclusion engagement across the workforce through training, recognition, and communication.

How will we know we’ve achieved this?
By 2026 we will have…

15% staff turnover

Interest Cover: Greater than 121%+10%

Operating Margin: Greater than 20%

99.3% of rent collected

Achieve an Employee Net promoter Score of greater than 5%